Conditions Treated
Sexual Rejuvenation Men Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction can affect men of any age and is very common. It is defined as the inability to achieve and maintain an erection and can have a number of causes. Erectile dysfunction can be debilitating for the individual and have a considerable effect on self confidence, as well as impacting on personal, sexual relationships. The likelihood of experiencing erectile dysfunction increases with age, mostly affecting men over 40. It is estimated that approximately 1 in 5 men in the UK suffer from erectile dysfunction.
Sexual Rejuvenation Men Peyronie’s Disease
Peyronie’s Disease, sometimes referred to as penile curvature, is a medical problem caused by fibrous scar tissue which forms inside the penis, known as a plaque. This can be felt as a hard lump or thickened area in the shaft of the penis. Most men who have Peyronie’s Disease can still have sexual intercourse, but it can mean that they have a bent, curved or misshapen penis when erect, rather than straight. This can also lead to painful sex and erectile dysfunction. Peyronie’s Disease is more common in men over the age of 40.
Sexual Rejuvenation Men Small Penis/Micro Penis
It is true that many men are dissatisfied with the size of their penis, whether that is length or girth, however, for some men they have a genuine medical need for penis enlargement or augmentation due to having a considerably smaller penis than would be considered within normal size ranges, a so-called mirco penis. Having a micro penis can significantly impact on the ability to have a meaningful and fulfilling sexual relationship with another individual. Medical interventions can be used to address the shortcomings presented by a small penis.
Sexual Rejuvenation Men Bent Penis
A bent penis, especially during an erection, is often an indication of Peyronie’s Disease, also called penile curvature. Although a slight curve to the left or right is common for most men, a significant bend in the penis, present during an erection, often in an upwards curve, and especially if it causes pain or difficulty in having sex is something which should be investigated further.
Sexual Rejuvenation Men Premature Ejaculation
Premature ejaculation is considered to be one of the most common sexual health problems for men, and is the most common ejaculation problem, which means that the man regularly ejaculates too quickly during sexual intercourse. This can have significant effects on a relationship with their partner. There are a variety of physical and psychological causes of premature ejaculation, including prostate or thyroid problems, use of recreational drugs, stress, depression or anxiety.
Sexual Rejuvenation Men Delayed Ejaculation
Delayed ejaculation is also referred to as male orgasmic disorder and means that a man experiences a significant delay before he is able to ejaculate, or is unable to ejaculate, even though he wants to and has a normal erection. If the delay to your ejaculation is repeatedly between half and one hour, or you are unable to ejaculate at all for around fifty per cent of the times you have sexual intercourse or perform a sex act, then it islikely that you have male orgasmic disorder. Various medical and psychological causes are known to cause delayed ejaculation, as well as increasing age. Common medications such as antidepressants, beta-blockers, antipsychotics or powerful pain medications can also be a cause.
Sexual Rejuvenation Men Lichen Sclerosus
Lichen Sclerosus causes white patches of itchy skin on the end of the penis, around the foreskin or anus. If scratched they often bleed or hurt and lead to the formation of scar tissue. The cause of lichen sclerosus is unclear, however it is not contagious (or sexually transmitted) or as a result of poor hygiene regime, and can affect boys and men at any age. The condition is usually managed as a life-long concern as there is no cure; however, it should not be ignored.
Sexual Rejuvenation Men Enlarged Prostate
The prostate is a small gland which is located near the bladder in a man. It’s main purpose is as part of the male reproductive organs where it secretes prostate fluid which is one of the constituents of semen. The prostate gland also helps to propel the seminal fluid into the urethra during ejaculation. An enlarged prostate, also called Benign Prostate Enlargement (BPE) is generally discovered due to the effect that it has on a man’s ability to urinate, often with difficulty starting to pee or fully emptying the bladder, or the frequency of urination. BPE generally affects men over 50 due to hormonal changes, but is not to be confused with prostate cancer or an increased risk of developing prostate cancer; BPE is not usually serious.
Sexual Rejuvenation Men Urinary Incontinence
Male urinary incontinence is the unintentional loss or accidental leaking of urine. This can cause embarrassment and shame for the sufferer. There are many underlying causes including certain prostate conditions, nerve damage, or overactive, weakened or damaged bladder muscles. It can be a short-term or long-term condition depending on your general health status. Male urinary incontinence can occur in a variety of ways, the most common short-term types being stress incontinence where urine leaks upon coughing, sneezing or other sudden movements, and urge incontinence caused by an overactive bladder meaning you don’t make it to the toilet in time.
Sexual Rejuvenation Men Faecal Incontinence
Male faecal incontinence is a condition which causes significant distress for the sufferer, as there is an involuntary loss or leakage of faecal matter. It is most commonly caused by damage to the muscles around the anus, the sphincter muscles which control bowel movements. Faecal incontinence can be caused by inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis, as well as nerve damage due to various medical conditions or spinal injuries. Gay men are also at increased risk of developing faecal incontinence due to increased levels of anal sexual intercourse.
Sexual Rejuvenation Men Buried Penis
If a penis is covered by excess tissue in the public or scrotal area, it is regarded as a buried or hidden penis. Usually, the penis will be of normal length and function correctly in terms of erection or urination, but simply it is hidden, either by skin, or in some cases excess fat and thus the shaft and head may not be visible. In some cases it can be present since birth, but is most often an acquired condition following circumcision.
Sexual Rejuvenation Men Webbed Penis
A webbed penis is a physical deformity whereby the skin from the scrotum (testicular sack) extends onto the skin of the penis. This can be congenital, present since birth, or can be acquired, most commonly as a consequence of too much skin removal from the underside of the penis during circumcision. This means that the shaft of the penis is somewhat buried in the scrotum or appears to be tethered by a web of skin to the midline of the scrotum. This condition does not usually affect the ability to urinate or achieve erection.
Sexual Rejuvenation Women Vaginal Laxity
Following natural childbirth and/or the menopause, it is common for women to experience some looseness or laxity in the vagina. This results in a loss of vaginal tightness and becomes more likely with multiple births, large babies or difficult births. Women go on to experience a loss of sensation during sexual intercourse and a decrease in sexual satisfaction which can have a negative effect on their relationship with a partner, as well as leading to issues with self-esteem, body image and quality of life. Concerns surrounding vaginal laxity are generally under-reported by women and often poorly-recognised or addressed by practitioners who simply recommend pelvic floor exercise programmes.
Sexual Rejuvenation Women Vaginal Rejuvenation
Vaginal rejuvenation includes a variety of procedures and treatment options which seek to restore the tightness of the vagina to improve sexual function, combat vaginal dryness and improve continence concerns. Non-surgical vaginal tightening procedures often use heat in the form of radiofrequency or laser energy to contract the tissue inside the vaginal canal and encourage natural healing to restore and rejuvenate many functional aspects of the vagina.
Sexual Rejuvenation Women Reduced Sensation & Sensitivity
With the menopause and a reduction in the normal levels of the hormones such as oestrogen and testosterone, women often suffer from poor vaginal lubrication and a decrease in sensation in the vagina. Combined with vaginal laxity which affects the tightness of the vagina, there can be a marked reduction in the levels of sensation and sensitivity to the vaginal canal, the G-spot inside the vagina and the clitoral region. This can have an effect on the ability to reach orgasm and have a satisfying sexual experience.
Sexual Rejuvenation Women Vaginal Dryness/Atrophy
Vaginal atrophy or atrophic vaginitis is the medical term used to describe the thinning and drying of the vaginal walls which is commonplace after the menopause when women tend to have less of the hormone oestrogen being produced naturally in their bodies. This makes the vagina less able to lubricate itself and can lead to painful sexual intercourse, often accompanied by light bleeding, as well as urinary continence concerns. This leads many sufferers to avoid penetrative sex. Other symptoms of vaginal atrophy include vaginal itching or burning due to the dryness. There may also be noticeable visible symptoms including a reduction in the size of the inner and outer vaginal lips or labia and a more pale or dry appearance to the vaginal tissue upon examination.
Sexual Rejuvenation Women Lichen Sclerosus
Lichen Sclerosus causes white patches of itchy skin around the vulva (opening of the vagina) or the anus. If scratched the skin will often crack, bleed or hurt and lead to the formation of scar tissue which can have an effect on the ability to urinate or have sexual intercourse without pain. The cause of lichen sclerosus is unclear, however it is not contagious (or sexually transmitted) or as a result of poor hygiene regime, and can affect girls and women at any age, being common after the menopause. The condition is usually managed as a life-long concern as there is no cure; however, it should not be ignored.
Sexual Rejuvenation Women Stress Urinary Incontinence
Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) is a common condition experienced by women, usually post childbirth and into the menopause. It means that a small amount of urine often leaks out of the bladder following sudden activities such as sneezing, laughing, coughing, during certain types of exercise, or lifting heavy objects which puts pressure on the bladder. Despite the name, stress urinary incontinence is not related to psychological stress, the word ‘stress’ refers to stress on the bladder. Various treatments are now available to reduce this kind of incontinence and women should not be resigned to simply wearing pads or underwear for mild incontinence.
Sexual Rejuvenation Women Urge Incontinence
Urge incontinence is characterised by a sudden and strong need to urinate; it is also referred to as having an overactive or unstable bladder. This is not the same as stress urinary incontinence where urine leaks during sudden movements. With urge incontinence, the muscles controlling the bladder contract when they shouldn’t, leading to a rapid sensation of needing to go, which causes larger amounts of urine to leak out of the bladder.
Sexual Rejuvenation Women Hypertropic or Saggy Labia Majora & Minora
Hypertrophic labia refers to a condition whereby either the outer vaginal lips (labia majora) or the inner vaginal lips (labia minora) are enlarged. In the case of labia minora hypertrophy, this can mean that the inner lips stick out more than the labia majora, which can cause discomfort from clothing rubbing or when riding a bicycle, walking or horse riding. It can also increase the likelihood of yeast infections, such as thrush, and cause pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse. Many women also find it cosmetically unattractive if their inner vaginal lips are larger and protrude from their outer labia. Although there is no real cause and some women are just born with an irregular or larger shape to their labia, it can be affected by pregnancy, childbirth or ageing and the menopause.
Sexual Rejuvenation Women Small Labia Enlargement
It is common for women’s vulvas to have different sized labia majora (outer lips) and labia minora (inner lips), there is no normal when it comes to labia size. However, some women may not like the size and shape of their labia or their symmetry, especially if one lip seems smaller than it should be or there is an unevenness to the labia. Enhancement and enlargement can be easily achieved to create the desired size and shape, and to augment smaller labia.
Sexual Rejuvenation Women Volume Loss/Fat Loss in Labia Majora
With ageing and the consequences of the menopause, the outer lips of the vulva, or labia majora can shrink or lose volume. This can have an impact on the natural lubrication of the vagina and the functional ability to protect it from fungal infections, for example. Replacing this lost volume can both restore the look and natural functions of the vulva and vagina.
Sexual Rejuvenation Women Enlarged Mons Pubis (Excessive pubic fat)
The mons pubis is the rounded prominence at the front of the female genitals. This is usually characteristic of where the pubic hair grows. Some women are genetically predisposed to having excess fat in the mons pubis which can make it appear enlarged or overly prominent.
Sexual Rejuvenation Women Faecal Incontinence
Female faecal incontinence can be a very distressing condition as it causes an involuntary loss or leakage of faecal matter. It is most commonly caused by damage to the muscles around the anus, the sphincter muscles which control bowel movements, and is a common side effect of vaginal childbirth. In fact, women are twice as likely to be affected by accidental leakage from their bowel than men. Faecal incontinence can also be caused by inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis, as well as nerve damage due to various medical conditions or spinal injuries.
Sexual Rejuvenation Women Painful sex
Painful sex for women can be caused by a number of issues but is often related to issues such as vaginal atrophy which causes vaginal dryness or a lack of natural lubricant production in the vagina. This can make sexual intercourse painful, so many women simply avoid it. Vaginal dryness issues are more common in menopausal women due to hormonal changes and tissue ageing. Various treatments which rejuvenate the vagina, as well as hormonal replacements can alleviate the problem.
Sexual Rejuvenation Women Vaginismus
Vaginismus is a condition which is defined as an automatic body reaction. In this case, it results in sudden vaginal tightening as a reaction to fear of vaginal penetration. When penetration of the vagina is attempted, the vaginal muscles will tighten on their own, without the woman having any control over it. Vaginismus can be painful and upsetting, even affecting the ability to insert tampons, but it is treatable. It can affect women who previously enjoyed penetrative sexual intercourse, without any pain, and does not affect the ability to achieve arousal or enjoy other sexual experiences, such as clitoral stimulation.
Cosmetics Hair Hair Loss in Men (Androgenetic Alopecia/Male Pattern Baldness)
Male pattern baldness, or to give it its proper name – male androgenetic alopecia – is the most common form of hair loss or baldness in men. The process of balding is a progressive process over time, with more hair loss and hair thinning as time goes by, often leading to areas of complete baldness, such as the crown on the top of head, a ‘bald spot’, or as a receding hairline running from the forehead in a backwards direction. It is estimated that it affects half of men over the age of 50, although androgenetic alopecia can also affect women, as it is related to hormone levels.
Cosmetics Hair Hair Loss in Women (Female Pattern Baldness/Diffuse Alopecia)
Female hair loss is more common during hormonal changes, such as the menopause. This can manifest as thinning of the hair or loss of larger areas of hair. Similar, some women can suffer from alopecia at a younger age. Although hair loss is socially acceptable for men, it is less cosmetically appealing for women and can have a considerable impact on a woman’s self confidence.
Cosmetics Hair Traction Alopecia
Traction alopecia is a gradual hair loss condition which happens due to pulling forces being applied to the natural hair follicles. This is commonly seen in women who wear their hair in tight ponytails, plaits or braids, as well as those who regularly get hair extensions or weaves added to their hair. It is reported most often in women of African American descent who often wear their hair tightly pulled back, and in those who do not cut their hair for religious reasons, leading to their hair increasing in weight and causing the pull on the follicles. It typically shows as a receding hairline due to the traction of having the hair pulled back off the face.
Cosmetics Hair Chemical Alopecia
Chemical alopecia is similar to traction alopecia, in that it is a form of gradual hair loss which is caused by the things that people do to their hair, rather than underlying hormonal causes. Chemical alopecia can be caused by overuse of hair straightening chemicals, so-called hair relaxers, commonly seen in those with afro hair. It’s also associated with over exposure to the use of hair dyes, bleaching agents and perming solutions. If the chemicals used are harsh enough to cause burning to the hair follicles, this can cause the hair loss, resulting in a gradual thinning of the hair over time.
Cosmetics Hair Alopecia Areata
Alopecia areata is a form of hair loss which is caused by the body’s auto-immune system destroying hair follicles in patches or in certain areas. It is not the same as male pattern baldness. Alopecia of this kind can be caused by a number of medical conditions and deficiencies in vitamins and minerals.
Cosmetics Hair Eyebrow Hair Loss
Hair loss in the eyebrows can be caused by a number of things, including hormones, infection, nutritional deficits, skin conditions and illness such as thyroid deficiency or cancer treatment. However, physical trauma from over plucking, common with women or emotional stress can also cause eyebrows to thin and hair diminish. The medical name for eyebrow hair loss is eyebrow hypotrichosis.
Cosmetics Face Acne Scarring
Acne scarring can be very upsetting for the individual, leading to embarrassment and issues with confidence. Various types of acne scarring exist which can be treated in different ways; examples include rolling acne scars, boxcar and ice pick scars.
Cosmetics Face Under-Eye Wrinkles
Under eye wrinkles are not regarded as dynamic wrinkles, like crow’s feet which form upon facial movements such as smiling. Under eye wrinkles are caused by a variety of things, including simple genetics, as well as smoking, sun exposure, sleeping habits, poor hydration, lifestyle and natural ageing. The skin is often more delicate in the area under the eyes, leading to fine lines, wrinkles and crepey skin in the area with age.
Cosmetics Face Barcode Wrinkles/Smoker’s Lines
Barcode wrinkles or lines, also referred to as smoker’s lines, refer to the fine lines that appear above the lips due to ageing. If you purse your lips to make a pout or as if to suck on a straw, you will see these lines form in the area between the upper lip and nose. With ageing, these wrinkles can appear as permanent lines, even when you’re not moving your face.
Cosmetics Face Crow’s Feet
Crow’s feet are also known by the medical term lateral canthal lines, or the nicer sounding name of smile lines. When we smile, we raise our cheeks which causes the formation of several lines emanating from the corners of the eye; usually there are three or four of these lines in a triangular formation, hence the likening to a bird’s foot.
Cosmetics Face Eye Bags & Dark Circles
The area under the eyes, the periorbital area is very delicate and with ageing it becomes more prone to the formation of eye bags and dark circles. As the supporting structures underneath the eyes start to lose their strength, alongside gravity, the area of skin can start to thin and sag, sometimes with an accumulation of fat cells into the familiar bag shapes. The formation of dark circles is due to the skin thinning in the area meaning that the blood vessels beneath the skin become more visible, hence the darker colour from circulating blood showing through the thin layer of skin.
Cosmetics Face Double Chin
Both men and women can suffer from having a double chin, or submental fullness as the medical profession call it. With ageing, thanks to gravity and/or weight gain, the area of skin under the chin can become loose and flabby, often with extra accumulations of fatty tissue which don’t shift with diet or exercise. Many of the treatments available seek to remove the fat cells and tighten the skin so that it contracts, leading to a smooth and streamlined appearance from the chin down to the neck.
Cosmetics Face Volume Loss
As we age, we start to lose volume or fat from our mid-face. Have you noticed how small children always have chubby, cherub-like cheeks but older people tend to have flatter cheeks, with the loss of identifiable ‘cheek bones’? This is due to a reduction in the ability to maintain hydration within the skin and a thinning of the underlying fatty tissue or fat pads in the face. By treating the middle of the face to restore this lost volume, you can rejuvenate the whole appearance of the individual.
Cosmetics Face Sagging EyeLids
Sagging or drooping eyelids is a very common sign of ageing, affecting both men and women. Often this means that the very upper part of the upper eyelid starts to sag down over the main area of the eyelid, in some cases as far as the eyelashes which can have an effect on how wide a person can open their eyes to see. Sagging eyelids can be a frustration for women, as it makes applying eye make-up more difficult and often the result is not as cosmetically pleasing as they’d like. Your upper eyelid and the movement of it to blink, close your eyes or open them wide is controlled by several small muscles. Over time, these muscles weaken which leads to the droop in the upper eyelid; referred to medically as a ptosis from the Greek word for ‘falling’, a drooping eyelid is called a blepharoptosis.
Cosmetics Face Facial Thread Veins
The presence of tiny blood vessels on the skin, often red or blue/purple in colour, showing most commonly around the nose or cheeks is an indicator of facial thread veins, also called spider veins. The medical name for these is telangiectasia. They are harmless in nature but their appearance isn’t regarded as cosmetically pleasing, with men especially noting that red thread veins on the nose means that people assume they have an issue with excessive alcohol consumption. Thread veins can be caused by a variety of things, including sun damage and rosacea.
Cosmetics Face Bunny Lines
Although bunny lines sound like they should be cute and cosmetically pleasing, many people, especially women, dislike them. Bunny lines are another set of dynamic wrinkles which are caused upon movement of the face, just like crow’s feet or frown lines. If you scrunch your nose up in an upwards direction, small lines will emanate from the sides of the nose onto the cheeks. These fine lines can become permanently visible on the face, even when you’re not making facial expressions.
Cosmetics Face Frown Lines
Frown lines are exactly that, the dynamic lines which appear between the eyebrows when a person makes a frowning or angry facial expression. The wrinkles can vary in depth but often lead to a single or double crease in the skin, which is why they’re also sometimes called ‘11 lines’. With age or lots of facial movements (often in those who make these facial movements when concentrating), these lines can become deep and always visible on the face, even when at rest, leading to a look of permanent anger or annoyance. Many regard this ‘grumpy look’ as not cosmetically pleasing, and get frustrated when always being asked if ‘everything is alright’.
Cosmetics Face Nose to Mouth Lines (Nasolabial folds)
Nasolabial lines or nasolabial folds refer to the indentation lines running from each outer corner of the nose to the corresponding corner of the mouth, on each side of the face; hence why they are also called nose-to-mouth lines. These creases or folds are a natural part of the anatomy which allow us to smile and move our face in various expressions. With ageing, sun damage and other lifestyle influences such as smoking, the nasolabial lines can deepen and become permanently visible or pronounced.
Cosmetics Face Tear Trough
The tear trough is the hollow area you can feel between the lower eyelid and the cheek area. With age this area can become more hollow in appearance, commonly including the formation of dark circles due to the loss of underlying volume in the tear trough. By increasing the volume in the area, fine lines and the appearance of dark, sunken eyes can be reversed.
Cosmetics Face Gummy smile
If when you smile you dislike the amount of your gum line that is visible above your teeth, then it’s likely that you have a gummy smile, known medically as excessive gingival display. A gummy smile can lead to feelings of self-consciousness and sufferers will often try to withhold their smile to reduce the amount of gum on show, or simply not open their mouth to show their teeth when smiling. Excessive gingival display can be caused by excess gum tissue around the teeth, meaning that teeth appear shorter as the gum line is lower, or because of overactive muscles around the mouth which mean that there is an increased pulling effect upon smile, which causes the showing of the gum line. Thin or low volume lips can also impact on the presence of a gummy smile.
Cosmetics Face Neck fat
Much like with a double chin, weight gain and ageing can lead to fat accumulation in the neck area which is difficult to reduce with diet and exercise alone. Neck fat can also be seen in combination with the so-called turkey neck whereby the neck muscles stand out beneath thinning, sagging skin on the neck. The formation of the characteristic ‘turkey wattle’ or bulge of fatty skin just beneath the chin, where the neck starts, can have a considerable ageing effect on an individual.
Cosmetics Face Receding Chin
A receding chin or weak chin is medically known as retrogenia. It means that the chin projects slightly backwards towards the neck. It is usually easier to see in profile view, meaning that the chin is set back much further than the eyebrow and lip lines with which it should form an almost straight line. Some people are born with a receding chin and for others it develops over time, often in tandem with an overbite of the teeth.
Cosmetics Face Turkey neck
With ageing, the muscles in the neck which support the head, the platysma muscles, become more visible through the thinning neck skin which in itself starts to sag, leading to the characteristic turkey neck. The platysma muscles are strong muscles which run the length of the neck; you can find them by holding your neck and clenching your teeth and opening your mouth to make them stand out. Ageing causes volume loss and skin sagging in the neck which means that the platysma muscles start to stand out all the time, which leads to a more ageing appearance in the neck.
Cosmetics Face Teeth Grinding
Teeth grinding, known medically as bruxism, is a common condition whereby an individual grinds their teeth together through the movement of their jaw during their sleep. As well as having an effect on their teeth, this can also serve to strengthen the masseter, or chewing muscles in the jaw, which can make them more prominent. In women, more prominent masseter muscles can lead to a masculine appearance.
Cosmetics Face Misshapen Nose
The nose is the most prominent and noticeable feature on the face. An individual may regard their nose as misshapen if it is large, has a lump in the bridge or a narrow, upwardly pointing tip. Similarly, noses can become misshapen through trauma from injury or disease, such as when breaking the nose during a sporting activity. Correcting the shape of the nose is a common request from both men and women.
Cosmetics Face Ageing Lips
Lips lose volume or plumpness as we age, leading to a flat, thin or shapeless appearance in both men and women. A loss of hydration in the area can also lead to poor quality skin in the lip area.
Cosmetics Face Thin Lips
No matter what age someone is, there are those people who just have thin lips, rather than those whose lips thin due to ageing. Similarly some women or men may have an asymmetry to their lips, so the top, or the bottom lip is thinner, or out of proportion with the other.
Cosmetics Face Wide Jaw
A wide jaw, especially in women, is not an attractive feature as it is a characteristically associated with the male face. Having a wide or square jaw can be a sign of overactive masseter or chewing muscles, and is commonly present in those people who suffer with bruxism – i.e. they grind their teeth, commonly whilst asleep. The increased use of the masseter muscles during teeth grinding effectively pumps them up, as would happen when you exercise any muscles regularly, leading to the appearance of stronger muscles in the area below the ears and the wider jaw appearance.
Cosmetics Face Sagging Jawline
A common effect of ageing, and the curse of gravity on the face, is the formation of jowls and the appearance of a sagging jawline. Over time, the skin in the area of the jawline starts to lose its elasticity and the definition of the jawline is lost with small pockets of saggy tissue forming on either side of the chin, the characteristic jowls. Treatments aim to tighten and lift the area to restore the natural curve of the jaw which follows the bone line.
Cosmetics Body Skin Laxity
Significant weight loss and ageing can cause skin laxity in the body, such as along the upper arms, in the chest area or lower body. With ageing, the elasticity of the skin weakens and its ability to rejuvenate and produce new collagen reduces. Many treatments are available to stimulate new collagen production, to tighten the skin and aid natural healing to improve loose skin.
Cosmetics Body Stretch Marks
Stretch marks, also called striae are a very common form of scarring to the skin characterised by red or purple lines of stretching, which may be tender to the touch. These eventually mature and fade to lighter coloured marks. They are often associated with skin stretching on the abdomen in women when carrying a child during pregnancy, but can also occur in both men and women on the thighs, back or stomach as a result of weight gain or growth spurts during adolescence.
Cosmetics Body Body Contouring
Body contouring, also called body sculpting, refers to a variety of treatments and procedures which are aimed at improving the appearance of the body, often in relation to the hips, buttocks, abdomen or thighs. This includes fat reduction, improvement in the appearance of cellulite or overall skin improvements, whereby diet and exercise alone are not achieving the desired results.
Cosmetics Body Cellulite
Cellulite affects between 85 and 98 percent of women. It generally appears on the buttocks and thighs as dimpled marks, often said to resemble orange peel or cottage cheese. The pitted appearance to the skin is caused by the underlying fat cells in the skin pushing through the fibrous connective tissue which is present in the lower body area in women.
Cosmetics Body Skin discolouration
The colour of a person’s skin is controlled by the levels of melanin within the skin, which is also the substance which protects it from the sun by tanning or increasing melanin levels in many people when they are exposed to the sun. Skin discolouration is caused by changes in melanin levels, such as hypopigmentation where patches of lighter skin appear due to medical conditions or injury, or hyperpigmentation where darker areas of skin occur through sun damage or illness. One significant medical form of skin discolouration is vitiligo whereby the skin loses pigment creating discoloured patches around the body.
Cosmetics Body Excess Fat
Although following a low-fat, well-balanced diet, alongside regular exercise is the best way to reduce excess fat in the body, there are often small pockets of stubborn fat which can be resistant to diet and exercise. Areas of diet-resistant excess fat can be commonly found in the hips, buttocks or thighs in women and in the love handle area for men. Similarly excess fat in the area below the chin, known as a double chin, can be difficult to reduce without cosmetic treatments.
Cosmetics Body Scars
Scars can be caused by an accident, trauma, a surgical operation, or due to illness, disease or a skin condition, such as acne. They can come in many shapes and sizes, and there are different types of scarring. Scars can be atrophic, such as acne scars, chicken pox scars or stretch marks, as well as those from surgical or accidental cuts. Atrophic scars have the appearance of a depression or sunken area of skin where the underlying tissue has been damaged. Scars can also be hypertrophic or keloidal, so they are thick and raised in nature, making them more obvious when you run your finger over them. People from certain ethnicities can tend to be more prone to hypertrophic or keloid scar formation.
Cosmetics Body Wrinkled Hands
It’s always been said that if you really want to know how old someone is, then you should take a look at their hands. We use our hands all the time, they are subject to a lot of wear and tear over our lifetime, and are almost permanently exposed to the elements and the sunshine. As we age, hands become more and more wrinkled as the skin on the upper part of the hands loses its ability to maintain hydration, the skin loses its elasticity and the prolonged exposure to sun damage causes the appearance of fine lines, crepey skin and pigmentation.
Cosmetics Body Excessive Sweating (Hyperhidrosis)
Hyperhidrosis is the medical term used to refer to a diagnosis of excessive sweating. Hyperhidrosis is estimated to affect around 3% of the global population and is most commonly known to affect the underarms or armpits. This is called axillary hyperhidrosis; however, excessive sweating can also be a problem for some people on their hands (palmar hyperhidrosis), on their feet (plantar hyperhidrosis) or their scalp or forehead (facial hyperhidrosis). For those diagnosed with a hyperhidrotic condition, their lives can become dominated with managing their excessive sweating and treatment is a must to manage everyday life down to normal levels of sweating. Others, who are not hyperhidrotic, but do not like to sweat, particularly from their armpits, often seek cosmetic treatment options to reduce or stop sweating for short periods of time.
Cosmetics Body Spider Veins
Spider veins or thread veins are known medically as telangiectasia. They are small blood vessels which appear on the skin, often red or blue/purple in colour, and are commonly found on the upper and lower legs, in both men and women. They are generally harmless in nature, although a medical practitioner is likely to do a thorough check for more serious vascular conditions affecting the legs, such as varicose veins. Spider veins are however mostly regarded as cosmetically unappealing, as they often mean that individuals won’t wear clothes which show their legs such as shorts or skirts.
Cosmetics Body Varicose Veins
Varicose veins are more serious in nature than thread or spider veins. They are usually found in the legs and feet and appear as swollen and enlarged purple or blue veins. Often their appearance can be lumpy, bulging or twisted underneath the skin. Unlike smaller thread veins which are mostly just cosmetically unappealing, varicose veins can also cause discomfort, including pain, aching, swollen ankles or a feeling of heaviness in the legs.
Cosmetics Body Ageing Décolletage
The décolletage or décolleté comes from the French word for exposing the neck and has been used to describe dresses or tops with a low neckline. Referring to the body, the décolletage is defined as the area of skin on a woman’s chest, ie. from the neck down to the breast. This area is often exposed, especially in warmer weather, meaning that it is prone to sun damage which leads to fine lines, wrinkles, crepey or leathery skin and pigmentation marks such as age spots and the appearance of freckles.
Cosmetics Body Tummy Fat / Love Handles / Muffin Top
Love handles refer to the bulges of excess fat which can appear on the tummy area, to either side of the waistline as pinchable chunks in both men and women. They get their name as they tend to be the area of the body where a partner will place their hands when holding their lover in an embrace. In women, love handles or tummy fat is also sometimes referred to as having a muffin top, however this is more likely to run the entire way around the tummy, rather than as distinct bulges on either side of the body.
Cosmetics Body Saggy Arms
With age, and often in conjunction with carrying a little too much weight, the upper arms can begin to sag. Saggy arms or bingo wings as they’re also called is where the fat deposits in the tricep area starts to sag in a downwards direction. This can also lead to an accumulation of loose skin in the area as well. Bingo wings are most visible when you hold your arms out to the side. Many women feel self-conscious about the appearance of their arms due to this sagging and will choose not to wear short sleeve or sleeveless items of clothing. Cosmetic treatments aim to reduce any excess fat and tighten the skin of the underarm area.
Cosmetics Body Bra fat
Bra fat or bra bulges is the term used to describe pockets of stubborn fat which are most notably visible on a woman when she is wearing a bra. Similar to love handles in a man, these ‘grabbable’ bulges appear at the sides of the body, below the main bra strap which runs across the back, as well as in the area between the armpit and the upper part of the main bra strap.
Cosmetics Body Fatty Thighs
Accumulations of stubborn fat can be a problem on both the inner and outer thighs, especially in women. Extra fat on the outer thighs causes the appearance of saddlebags and can be a problem when getting clothes to fit, as well as producing a bottom-heavy appearance in trousers or leggings. Similarly, increased fatty deposits in the inner thigh can mean that the thighs will rub together when walking. This can lead to skin chafing if an individual is wearing a skirt or clothing where there isn’t any material protecting the two sides of skin. Reducing fatty thighs can have a significant impact on both the contours of the body and everyday comfort.
Cosmetics Body Belly fat
Accumulations of belly fat, often as a small, pot belly can be difficult to get rid of with diet and exercise. Many women struggle with stubborn fat in this area post-childbirth, with no amount of sit-ups making a difference. Men often also carry areas of fat on their tummy, the so-called beer belly. Belly fat can be permanently reduced or removed using a variety of different cosmetic treatment options.
Cosmetics Skin Acne Scarring
This already exists under Face – Acne Scarring
Cosmetics Skin Sagging skin
Ageing, lifestyle and environmental factors all have an effect on skin. Genetics and natural ageing (chronological ageing) means that the production of new collagen and elastin – the building blocks of new, healthy skin cells – slows down and becomes less effective at renewing skin cells than when we were younger. Similarly, the skin’s ability to keep hydrated is reduced due to a slow down in the production of natural hyaluronic acid, which normally acts like a sponge within the skin, holding moisture and maintaining a firm, plump, youthful appearance to the skin. This means that skin will lose its underlying volume and start to sag in a downwards direction, particularly in the face. All of these factors, alongside sun exposure (photo-ageing) and smoking lead to loose, crepey, sagging skin which has lost its spring and tightness.
Cosmetics Skin Ageing Skin
Skin ageing means that skin loses elasticity, starts to wrinkle and has a rough, dehydrated texture. Skin can also appear thinner, paler and more fragile with age. As well as an increase in fine lines and wrinkles, skin will be less plump and show signs of volume loss and dehydration. External factors, such as sun exposure, pollution and lifestyle choices lead to extrinsic ageing which can cause increases in pigmentation marks and a further reduction in skin quality, particularly with those who smoke or sun worship, and this is on top of the intrinsic or the natural ageing process dictated by time and our genetics.
Cosmetics Skin Brown spots / Pigmentation
One of the commonest presentations of sun damage to the skin, called photo damage, from years of exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation are changes in skin pigmentation. This usually includes the appearance of brown spots, often referred to as age spots or liver spots (even though they have nothing to do with the liver); known medically as actinic lentigines. Such ‘sun spots’ are usually flat, brown areas of darker pigmentation which are harmless. There are many treatments available to reduce and remove pigmentation spots. However, it is important to have any changes in your skin, such as the appearance of pigmented lesions, lumps and bumps checked by a medical professional to rule out precancerous types of sun damage which could lead to skin cancer (melanoma) if left unchecked.
Cosmetics Skin Volume Loss
With ageing, two things happen which have the effect of causing volume loss in the skin, particularly noticeable in the face and hands. Firstly, the natural ageing process results in a loss of fat. Facial volume loss through fat reduction continues with a loss of another 5-10% every decade from our 40s onwards. In addition, the body’s natural ability to produce hyaluronic acid, which acts like a sponge within the skin, storing water to keep it hydrated, starts to reduce. The inability of the tissue to maintain adequate hydration also leads to the volume loss in the mid face – the chubby cheeks of youth are due to high levels of hyaluronic acid and fat cells.
Cosmetics Skin Sun Exposure / Damage
It is important to protect your skin from sun exposure using a broad spectrum SPF or Sun Protection Factor sunscreen, used daily. This is not just to mitigate the risk of skin cancer, but to prevent skin damage, known as photo-damage, where photo refers to light, in this case, ultraviolet light from the sun in the form of UVA and UVB rays. Long term and regular exposure to the sun causes a variety of damage to the skin, including fine lines and wrinkles, poor skin texture and increases in permanent pigmentation marks. As mentioned, some of these may also lead to skin cancers and melanomas if inadequate sun protection has routinely been used.
Cosmetics Skin Redness / Rosacea
Rosacea is a very common skin condition, affecting both men and women, but most commonly noted in females and those with pale skin types. Symptoms present as redness and visible blood vessels across the cheeks and nose, and sometimes also on the forehead and chin. Rosacea can cause pus-filled spots, which can be mistaken for acne. Sufferers also describe stinging or burning sensations to their skin. It can be triggered to flare up by spicy food, alcohol, heat or stressful situations, but these are not the cause. There is no cure for rosacea but the skin condition can be well managed.
Cosmetics Skin Melasma
Melasma is a skin condition which commonly occurs in women during pregnancy, which is why it is often called the mask of pregnancy. It is characterised by dark patches of pigmentation on the face, neck, arms or upper body, which can be more visible and darker during certain seasons of the year. Those with darker skin types who regularly expose their skin to the sunshine, also often suffer from melasma. Another name of it is chloasma.
Cosmetics Skin Moles
Most people will have various moles on their skin, somewhere on their body. Moles are usually small, round or oval shaped with a smooth edge, they can be flat or raised and in some cases there may be hair growing from them. Moles are harmless unless they start to bleed or change their size, shape or colour, which often happens rapidly over a few weeks or months. Although all moles can be cosmetically removed in the right hands, particularly if they cause irritation with jewellery or underwear, any moles which show signs of such rapid changes, start to itch or crust over should be checked by a professional to rule out melanoma formation, a type of skin cancer. Seeking out regular mole checks are a good health check regime as you get older.
Cosmetics Skin Skin Tags
Skin tags are usually found around the armpit, neck, groin and breast area. They are most often caused by irritation to the skin which can commonly occur from necklaces constantly rubbing or from wearing underwear, meaning that they are often found where bras straps may rub against the skin under the arms. Skin tags can also form on other areas including on the face and eyelids, as well as in skin folds, such as the buttocks. They are harmless, soft, skin-coloured lumps or growths which vary in size and shape and are usually attached to the skin via a thinner, stalk-like piece of skin referred to as a peduncle. Skin tag occurrence increases with age and removal is simple.
Cosmetics Skin Tattoo Removal
As more and more men and women have chosen to have tattoos in recent decades, a new phenomenon has appeared – tattoo regret. The decision to get a tattoo is often done when young, as a spontaneous decision. With time, the wearer may regret this decision, especially if the tattoo depicts the name of a past partner or a symbol or image they no longer appreciate, or impacts on career progression due to its location. Successful tattoo removal is dependent on the type of tattoo (amateur or professional) and the types of ink or pigments used, as well as their colour. Lighter colours often require more repeat treatments than darker inks.
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