Web surgery can be performed to correct a variety of concerns, including: sagging scrotum (due to ageing), enlarged scrotal sac, penoscrotal webbing (when the skin that connects the scrotum to the penis extends) and buried penis.
Any of these concerns can be aesthetically displeasing, and depending on the condition, may also cause some discomfort.
Dr. SW Clinics will take the most suitable approach to surgery, depending on the concern it aims to address. An alternative name for this procedure is scrotoplasty and Dr. SW Clinics usually performs it using a local anaesthetic.
The surgery typically involves a technique called a scrotal lift whereby a small incision is made at the base of the penis. This allows for the required amount of excess skin to be cut away before dissolvable stitches are used to close the wound. In some cases a skin graft may be used to help reinforce any stretched muscles.
In cases where the penis appears to be buried, adapting this procedure can help to release the penis from skin that is restricting its natural angle and positioning.
A buried penis is often present at birth and the procedure can be performed at a relatively young age. It is common for web surgery to also be used in combination with other procedures when transitioning from female to male, when using the labia to create a sac.
Treatment cost
Price From£3000
* After consultation the doctor will confirm the cost.
We offer 0% finance on
all our treatments.
Treatment Summary at a glance
One hour
Scrotum appears less saggy
One week
Swelling, redness and bruising
Can be permanent
How does it work?
Web surgery is used to remove the presence of excess skin that connects the penis to the scrotum. A number of concerns can be corrected with web surgery (also known as scrotoplasty) to enable an improvement to the look of the penis, its functioning or if the specific condition is causing discomfort.
Dr. SW Clinics may deem you suitable for this procedure if it is an effective solution for conditions such as: webbed penis, buried penis, sagging scrotum or enlarged scrotal sac
As this is a surgical procedure and an incision is made into a sensitive area of the body, you may feel some discomfort. Dr. SW Clinics uses a local anaesthetic so you won’t feel anything, but will still be conscious.
The surgeons at Dr. SW Clinics are highly skilled and are experts in their field. They can perform web surgery quickly and effectively with the procedure usually taking around 1 hour.
You will feel very tender in the days that follow the surgery, and it may be necessary for you to take around 1 week off work. You will need to lower your activity levels for a few weeks, and our experts will advise when certain things can be safely resumed (such as going to the gym) at your follow up appointment(s).
The results of web surgery will depend on the condition it aims to correct. How this procedure will help you will be explained at consultation.
Dr SW Clinics