APTOS thread lifting offers a non-surgical solution for individuals struggling with loose and sagging skin on the backs of their arms and above the knees.

At Dr SW Clinics we will assess your individual concerns and provide personalised recommendations for the best course of action.

By strategically inserting dissolvable threads beneath the skin, it effectively tightens and lifts the sagging skin in these specific areas. This procedure stimulates collagen production, resulting in natural-looking improvements and enhanced skin texture.

APTOS thread lifting is a highly effective non-surgical solution specifically designed to treat loose skin on the backs of the arms and above the knees. This innovative procedure involves the precise placement of dissolvable threads beneath the skin in these targeted areas. The threads act as a supportive structure, effectively lifting and tightening the loose skin.

During the treatment, specialised dissolvable threads with barbs or cones are strategically inserted beneath the skin to create a lifting effect. These threads not only provide immediate support but also stimulate the production of collagen, a key protein that enhances skin elasticity and firmness. Over time, as the threads gradually dissolve, the body’s natural collagen production continues, further improving the texture and appearance of the treated areas.

APTOS thread lifting offers several advantages. It is a minimally invasive procedure that requires minimal incisions and avoids the need for general anaesthetic. This means shorter recovery time, reduced discomfort, and fewer post-treatment restrictions compared to surgical alternatives.

To ensure the best results, it is essential to consult with a qualified practitioner who will assess your specific concerns and determine your suitability for the treatment. They will provide personalised recommendations and discuss the potential benefits and risks associated with APTOS thread lifting for addressing loose skin on the backs of the arms and above the knees.

Treatment cost

Price From

* After consultation the doctor will confirm the cost.

Treatment Summary at a glance

Procedure Time

Approx. 60-90 mins

Recommended No. of Treatments



Local (injection)

Side Effects:

Redness, swelling, pain, bruising and tenderness to the buttocks.


Reshaping, contouring and defining the buttocks with added volume.

Duration of results:

6-8 months, top-ups required.

Back to Work:

1-3 days for buttock tenderness. Avoid direct pressure for 24 hours.

Full Recovery:

Must avoid cycling, horse riding and prolonged sitting for 1 month.

How does it work?

APTOS threads are specifically designed to lift and rejuvenate sagging tissues on the backs of the arms and above the knees, utilizing a unique structure and biocompatible materials. Made from dissolvable materials like polylactic acid (PLA) or polydioxanone (PDO), which have a proven safety record in medical procedures, these threads offer a reliable solution.

What distinguishes APTOS threads is their special design, featuring tiny opposing barbs along their length. These barbs act as anchors within the skin, strategically positioned to create a lifting effect when inserted beneath the skin. By gently pulling the threads, the tissues on the backs of the arms and above the knees are tightened and lifted. The inclusion of barbs in APTOS threads provides several advantages. They ensure a secure grip on the underlying tissues, resulting in a longer-lasting lifting effect. Additionally, these specialised features allow for precise placement and control during the procedure, leading to natural-looking outcomes.

By utilising the unique structure and biocompatible materials of APTOS threads, this procedure offers a safe and effective solution for addressing sagging skin on the backs of the arms and above the knees, providing noticeable lifting and rejuvenation.

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Determining suitability for an APTOS thread lift procedure is typically done through a consultation with a qualified practitioner. During this consultation, the practitioner will evaluate various factors to assess if the patient is a good candidate for the treatment.

Some key considerations for suitability include the patient’s overall health, medical history, and specific aesthetic goals. The practitioner will examine the patient’s skin laxity, the degree of sagging, and the areas of concern to determine if a thread lift is an appropriate solution.

It is important for patients to openly discuss their expectations, any underlying medical conditions, and any previous cosmetic procedures they have undergone. This information helps the practitioner make an informed decision and customise the treatment plan accordingly.

Patients should also disclose any medications, allergies, or potential contraindications they may have. Certain medical conditions or medications might affect the suitability or safety of the procedure.

Ultimately, the practitioner will provide personalised recommendations based on the
individual patient’s circumstances and desired outcomes. Open communication and trust
between the patient and the practitioner are essential to ensure the best possible results and
patient satisfaction.

While discomfort levels can vary from person to person, most patients undergoing an APTOS
thread lift experience minimal pain or discomfort during the procedure. The treatment typically involves the use of local anaesthesia or a numbing cream to ensure a comfortable experience.

During the thread lift, you may feel slight tugging or pressure sensations as the threads are inserted and adjusted beneath the skin. However, it is generally not considered a painful procedure. Some individuals may experience mild bruising, swelling, or tenderness in the treated areas following the treatment, but these side effects are usually temporary and manageable.

Your healthcare provider will take steps to ensure your comfort during the procedure and may provide post-procedure instructions to help minimise any potential discomfort. If you
have any concerns about pain or discomfort, it is advisable to discuss them with your healthcare provider beforehand, as they can provide further guidance and address any specific needs you may have.

A typical APTOS thread lift procedure takes around one to two hours to complete, providing
a relatively quick and efficient option for facial rejuvenation without the need for extensive

There is limited downtime with this procedure and recovery is considered swift. You can usually return to your normal routine almost immediately. You may wish to have a friend or family member drive you home on the day of your procedure and to rest for a day. You will be advised not to participate in sports, strenuous exercise, swimming, gym sessions.

Patients undergoing an APTOS thread lift can expect to see immediate results in terms of lifted and repositioned facial tissues. The threads provide an immediate tightening effect, resulting in a more youthful appearance.

Over time, the threads stimulate collagen production in the treated areas, leading to further
improvements in skin texture and firmness. As the threads gradually dissolve, the newly formed collagen continues to support the lifted tissues, providing long-lasting results.

The exact results may vary depending on individual factors such as skin condition, age, and
lifestyle. It is important to note that while the APTOS thread lift can provide noticeable
improvements, it may not achieve the same level of enhancement as a surgical facelift.
However, it offers a non-surgical alternative with less downtime and minimal scarring.
To maintain and maximise the results of an APTOS thread lift, it iApprox. 60-90 minss crucial to follow post-
procedure care instructions and maintain a healthy skincare routine. Regular maintenance
treatments may be recommended to prolong the benefits of the thread lift over time.
Consulting with a qualified practitioner can provide more personalised information on the
expected outcomes based on your specific situation.

Dr SW Clinics

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