Lichen Sclerosus is an autoimmune inflammatory skin condition that can appear throughout the body and can appear anywhere on the penis, but is more prevalent around the foreskin and at the end of the penis (penile glans). It can also affect the skin of the shaft.

Lichen sclerosus (LS) is an autoimmune inflammatory skin condition that can appear throughout the body, but is more prevalent around the openings of the vagina (vulva) and anus. For men it usually appears around the foreskin and end of the penis. Women are 6 times as likely to be affected than males and the percentage of women affected is 0.01%.

LS symptoms are usually vulva itching, pain, burning sensations and maybe laceration which often leads to disfiguration and affects a patient’s quality of life. LS typically has a remitting relapsing course that is complicated by permanent scarring and tightening of the the affected skin area over time. This produces functional problems such as difficulty and discomfort in peeing (dysuria), and pain during intercourse.

Recent studies have shown that LS is associated with a higher prevalence of female sexual dysfunction, resulting in less frequent sexual activity and satisfaction. The disorder is not however contagious and cannot be sexually transmitted.

The O Concept™ was created by Dr. Wakil to bring a wide range of non-surgical treatments now available for treating Lichen Sclerosus, but are not well known.

The O Concept™ is a bespoke program where the patient receives a treatment protocol that is tailor-made especially for her and the specific Lichen Sclerosus condition in order to achieve the best results. The O Concept™ is the only treatment protocol that combines treatments in specific order and at precise intervals based on each individual patient and their specific condition.

Referred to as the God Father of Sexual Aesthetics, Dr. Wakil has been awarded multiple national and global awards for his work in sexual rehabilitation and vaginal rejuvenation treating over 25,000 cases worldwide.

Treatment cost

Price From

* After consultation the doctor will confirm the cost.

0% finance

We offer 0% finance on
all our treatments.

Treatment Summary at a glance

Procedure Time

Dependent on the number of treatments our doctors will recommend.

Recommended No. of Treatments

Every treatment protocol is tailored to each patient.
The number of treatment sessions will vary accordingly.


Most of our procedures do not require anaesthesia, however, topical anaesthesia may be required dependent on the nature of the procedure.

How can we help you?

A 2017 survey by counselling organisation Relate found that only a third (34%) of UK adults are satisfied with their sex lives, while 32% have experienced a sexual problem.

Dr. Sherif Wakil and his team of qualified health professionals have helped diagnose and treat thousands of patients worldwide with the groundbreaking multi-factorial  O Concept™ protocol developed by Dr Wakil in early 2013.

The patient receives a treatment protocol that is tailor-made especially for her and her specific Lichen Sclerosus in order to achieve the best results following the diagnosis based on a combination of clinical assessment, medical history, and patient-reported symptoms.

We offer interest FREE finance plans to patients. Please contact our experienced team to learn more.

0% finance

We offer 0% finance on
all our treatments.


What actually causes Lichen Sclerosus is unclear. While it runs in families, it is strongly believed by experts it is caused by changes in the immune system or hormones. Accumulating evidence indicates that lichen sclerosus may be associated with other autoimmune conditions, such as thyroid disease, pernicious anaemia or vitiligo. Lichen Sclerosus also shares symptoms and can co-exist with diseases such as morphea, lichen planus, hyperplastic dystrophy and maybe cancer  which is characterised by abnormal cancerous changes in the skin of the vulva and can resemble a severe case of Lichen Sclerosus. Genes and infections can also play a part.

Lichen sclerosus should be managed by a specialist doctor. Diagnosis and proper management (as there is no treatment) is very important as timely management lowers risk of cancer mutation. Around 4% of women develop vulvar cancer but thankfully due to the time it takes for a cancer to develop, frequent visits to a specialist doctor can dramatically avoid such development.

While there is no cure for LS, there are treatments designed to help decrease symptoms of itching and burning and control the disease to prevent further vulvar scarring. The current “gold standard” treatment for Lichen Sclerosus, before the O ConceptTM was founded, was potent steroid creams with the aim of decreasing the symptoms of itching and burning. While these can temporarily reduce symptoms they also may carry other risks, mainly the thinning of skin which leads to more irritation and sets the patient into a vicious cycle, fungus infections and lowering of the immune system. For some patients steroid creams do not work.

If you are worried, you should always seek the guidance of your doctor or book a consultation with Dr. Wakil and his team of qualified health professionals who have helped diagnose and provide relief to over 9,000 patients worldwide.

The current “gold standard” treatment for Lichen Sclerosus, before the O Concept™ was founded, was the use of potent steroid creams with the aim of decreasing the symptoms of itching and burning. While these can temporarily reduce symptoms they may also carry other risks, mainly the thinning of skin which leads to more irritation and sets the patient on a vicious cycle, fungus infections and a lowering of the immune system. For some patients steroid creams do not work.

If you are worried, you should always seek the guidance of your doctor or book a consultation with Dr. Wakil and his team of qualified health professionals who have helped diagnose and provide relief to over 9,000 patients worldwide.

Dr SW Clinics

An awarding winning clinic