Our Mesotherapy London service is a minimally invasive procedure.

It is widely used in Europe to treat various medical conditions. The treatment involves injecting microscopic quantities of natural extracts, homeopathic agents, pharmaceuticals, and vitamins into the skin to address a wide variety of conditions such as reduce cellulite, promote weight loss, encourage hair growth and rejuvenate skin on the face, hands and neck.

Treatment cost

Price From

* After consultation the doctor will confirm the cost.

Treatment Summary at a glance

Procedure Time

Approx. 15-30 mins depending on the size of the area being treated

Recommended No. of Treatments

Course of 6-10 sessions


Local (injection)

Side Effects:

Some Redness


Glowing skin, increase skin firmness, improve cellulite, promote hair growth

Duration of results:

9-12 months due to metabolism of the hyaluronic acid

Back to Work:

Same day

Full Recovery:

2-3 days

"White" mesotherapy treatment

How does it work?

Mesotherapy refers to a technique of injections which consists of multiple, very superficial injections with a very fine needle to deliver small droplets of active ingredients just below the surface of the skin where they can get to work. This type of treatment is also sometimes referred to as biorejuvenation, biorevitalisation or skin boosting and is commonly applied to facial ageing indications.



Mesotherapy uses very fine needles to inject a cocktail of specially prepared active ingredients, directly into the target area in order to stimulate change.



Mesotherapy is very safe and can be used for a wide variety of problems. It is used in general medicine throughout Europe and there are few contraindications however you will have to undergo a consultation first to see if it is right for you.

The needles used as very fine so treatment should not hurt.

Treatment time will depend on the area you are having treated. You will generally need a course of treatments to see the best results.

You may experience some redness in the injection area and can also have small bumps or “blebs” where the mesotherapy preparation has been injected. This will only last a few days.

For the body mesotherapy can reduce excess fat and diminish cellulite effectively.

For skin rejuvenation mesotherapy results in:

  • Glowing skin
  • Increases skin firmness
  • Lightening of the skin tone
  • Improvement of fine lines
  • Hydration of the skin
  • Rejuvenation of the skin

For Cellulite, mesotherapy works by improving the quality of the skin and subcutaneous tissue

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